The Protein Myth


1.) For decades, marketing has brainwashed us all into believing that we need protein. And, the moreā€¦the better! The body DOES NOT need protein. It requires amino acids, which are the building blocks it uses to make “protein.”

2.) You must understand that your body DOES NOT use protein for energy. This is another myth to keep you buying more meat, drinking more milk, filling up on those cheeses, butters, eggs, creams, etc.

This is a matter of biochemistry. A protein must first be broken down into simple amino acids which then must be synthesized into carbohydrates in order to be able to be burned for energy. Every cell must have sufficient oxygen and sufficient fructose/glucose to convert a simple sugar into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is pure energy for the life processes of the cell.

Every cell in the body requires sugar. Sugar = carbon. That is why we call foods high in sugar carbo-hy-drates (carbon chain constitutients). Carbon is ESSENTIAL, up over fats and proteins.

The amount of amino acids (protein) that we have been told to consume FAR EXCEEDS what the body actually needs. No one in the Western world has ever gone to a doctor because of a protein deficiency.


The body requires amino acids, which then form enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters (all proteins) which build muscle. Proteins are made inside of you through the consumption of amino acids. Amino acids are found in a fresh, raw, plant-based diet.

When you eat animal protein, it isn’t usable by the body in that form. Eating an already formed protein is backwards, because the body must exhaust energy and lots of time to break it down and re-form it into a usable protein. Animal protein is (second-hand) protein because the of the extensive digestion process required to break it down.

Meat is a stimulant that is irritating and inflammatory to our tissues. Stimulants create inflammation in the body, as most of them are acidic and heat-producing, thus initiating an immune response. The adrenaline in meat can give you a temporary feeling of energy, only to make you more fatigued afterwards.

It is only the adrenaline or epinephrine in meat that is energetic. This is a problem in that your adrenal glands are supposed to supply your body with adrenaline, when needed, for nerve function.

When you eat meat, you are ingesting the animal’s own hormones and steroids, which then weakens your body’s glands as they must drastically decrease their own production of them in order to maintain balance.

The neurotransmitters in meat are responsible for the loss of function of your adrenal glands. The majority of the population today have weak adrenal glands. These glands are possibly the most important glands in the body, as they are responsible for so many vital functions.

Eating meat creates mucus which contributes to the chronic, stagnant constipation of the body’s lymphatic system.

Meat is acid-forming which causes inflammation and tissue breakdown.

Meat decreases the liver’s ability to create bile.

Why are so many (especially men) on dialysis in this country today? Excess protein from meat consumption is responsible for kidney failure.

Your body is not a refrigerator, so meat instantly starts to rot once it gets inside your body. Animal proteins putrefy in the body causing body odor. Putrefaction causes a cesspool of toxins to build up in the intestines and in the tissues around and within the cells. This creates a base for parasites to grow and the acidity creates inflammation which blocks cellular respiration, eventually causing cellular death.

Animal protein diets contain excessive amounts of epinephrine (adrenaline), thereby creating aggression, anger and adrenal fatigue. If you aren’t expressing this anger and aggression it is stored in your liver.

Meat eating leads to high blood pressure from sodium retention and lipid coagulation.

High protein diets lower manganese levels resulting in spasms, convulsions, neurotransmitter issues and neuromuscular problems, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Meat is full of dead blood cells (hemoglobin) which are full of iron. Iron is a mineral if consumed in abundance can become toxic, especially non-plant iron. Iron toxicity decreases chromium, decreases zinc, damages liver, pancreatic and kidney tissue, lowers calcium and calcium absorption and utilization, increases sodium levels creating edema and increases nitrogen and phosphorus levels, thus creating acidosis.

Meat stimulates, irritates and inflames the sexual organs, especially the prostate gland and leads to prostatitis.

Protein is a nitrogen compound, high in phosphorus and in large amounts depletes calcium and electrolytes from the body.

Today, our meat is full of antibiotics, high levels of adrenaline, growth hormones, pesticides, herbicides, nuclear wastes and other toxic chemicals from air and ground pollution which accumulate in the human body.

High protein diets cause dizziness, equilibrium and spastic conditions by decreasing manganese levels.

Meat has been proven to cause intestinal cancer. It is suspected in liver and pancreatic cancers, as well. The cesspool of putrefaction that builds up in the lymphatic system is potentially and probably the starting cause of lymphomas.

Meat eating with vitamin C supplementation enhances iron absorption, thereby magnifying iron toxicity.

Meat eating is known to be one of the chief and most direct causes of tooth decay.

Proteins are not used as fuel by the body; they are building blocks and carriers. When you try to lose weight by burning proteins for fuel, this causes fat breakdown. However, it also causes tissue breakdown, destroying kidney, liver and pancreatic tissue.

The protein found in dead animal flesh (meat) causes the liver to create large amounts of cholesterol which plaques throughout the body, concentrating in the vascular system, liver and kidneys. This leads to stones that will form in the liver and gallbladder.

You don’t want to put something in your body that takes close to a full day to digest. This inhibits healing and regeneration from naturally occurring. After digestion you are left with an ACIDIC phosphoric ash. Acids are hot and destroy cells.

Proteins (not amino acids) are highly acid-forming lowering the pH balance of the body. This causes inflammation and tissue weakness, leading to tissue death.

Meat is nothing more than dead or dying cells living in their own cesspool of stagnant, putrefying blood.