I’ve been driving Uber for almost 5 years now. I was at a point in my life where I wasn’t ready to be a model full time employee by any means. That and I had been bitten by the bug of being self dependent many years earlier and wrecked myself for ever wanting to be a full time employee ever again.
I was at a point in my life where I had way too many wrinkles that needed to bee ironed out. Yet Uber allowed for me to stay connected to being a meaningful contributing member of society.
Still about the only sober-minded decisions I was making at that point was…staying sober, but I was unwittingly plugging myself into just the thing that I needed to stay in recovery. Deeper meaning in an identity, a better connection to mankind and a way to serve others.
Uber has been a blessing for me. It has been a way to earn enough money to pay the bills and explore many more important things in life. Like life…😎 And I’ve actually come to enjoy doing it very much. Some 8,000+ rides and 150,000 miles later and I’m still loving it. And if I ever get tired of it I just do it less…Brilliant. I wish you could all do that with your jobs. It really helps.
I see myself needing to be doing it less in the future for financial reasons, but I don’t think I’ll ever stop doing it altogether. Like even when I’m rolling around in the Tesla, I’m still going to do it because of the many avenues of value and points of connection it adds to my life.
Uber has allowed me to make a way in the world today and it sure has helped a lot. It’s the place I can go where everybody knows my name. And they are always glad I came. And day after day I get to see over and over that we are all alike and that our troubles are all the same. We just at different places.
It’s almost as if Ubering is my Cheer’s for me…LoL
Cheers Y’all